ONLINE THE ACTORS ... have nothing to do with the stories on this website, but a bit of promotion can't do much harm. I trust you to know how to use a search engine and find Johnny Depp, Bloomsy and Mrs. Knightley yourself. The rest of the lot hides well. "Just call me Sparky" James Norrington: JACK DAVENPORT has humour, brains and is mild on the eyes. Make him Prime Minister. Lt. Gillette (his first name is not known. I made "Thomas" up. Disney probably hugged him, kissed him and called him George): DAMIAN O'HARE exists. That's all we know. He's like the Yeti, in a way - wise men don't have websites. Updated: there's now a website about him: UNOFFICIAL DAMIAN O'HARE. Lord Cutler Beckett (also doesn't have a first name. Poor git. I hugged him, kissed him and called him George): TOM HOLLANDER Mr. Mercer (whom I named Alan is probably called George as well): DAVID SCHOFIELD Anamaria is made of beauty and awesome, and nobody really understands why she wasn't in the second movie. We suspect somebody named George had to cut down the budget to finance Johnny Depp's waterpipe or Bloomsy's manicure: ZOE SALDANA Lt. Groves (has been called Daniel because George sounds stoopid. Using flash on your official website gets you listed here after Mr. Mercer): GREG ELLIS Tia Dalma for the win! NAOMI HARRIS Pintel (doesn't need a first name, he's cool enough): LEE ARENBERG Ragetti (is made of win and not called George, either): MACKENZIE CROOK Mr. Gibbs (is called Joshamee, which is better than George): KEVIN MCNALLY Got them all now? Yes? Fine. Then let's move on to fandom, historical facts, naval information and book recommendations: FANDOM If you're interested in fanfiction featuring the Navy Boys of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, the recommendation-list compiled by Mrs. Dauntless the everlovely migh be a good point to start your reading-experience: THE NAVAL READING STARTER SET If you're a journalist in the process of writing yet another moronic article about fanfiction "written by giggly teenagers" or the ever-popular "stuck-at-home-with-the-kids-mums", do us all a favour and jump out of the next porthole. Thanks. RESEARCH The following link will lead you to Livejournal and Molly Joyful's List Of Useful Resources: Royal Navy History / General History 18th Century You can find links to resources on the following themes: * FASHION * MUSIC * SEXUALITY * MEDICAL SERVICES / HYGIENE * CHILDREN * ART * LIFE AT SEA * 18TH CENTURY GENERAL (MOSTLY) BRITISH HISTORY * NAVAL HISTORY * LAW AND PUNISHMENT * RANKS AND UNIFORMS * SHIPS * LANGUAGE * PEOPLE * COMMUNITIES * BOOKS o History of the Royal Navy o 18th Century General Lifestyle o Slavery and Colonialism / East India Company o Homosexuality in the 18th Century If you know of a good link that's not included in my list, please feel free to drop me a line. |